
Read More Something New Leadership Something New
“Patti, would you be interested in writing an article? Here’s the topic we were thinking…” “Sure,” I said, in the middle of February. When life was normal. When I was under the impression that I knew what I was doing, more or less. It was a good topic, one I had addressed many times. I would be able to write an article like that without too much effort. Then the coronavirus shut the world down and everything changed. The original topic now seemed a bit redun...
Read More Overcoming Evil Through Prayer Prayer Overcoming Evil Through Prayer
The Bible shows us clearly that we are engaged in a battle that is taking place in the spiritual realm. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that we are not wrestling against “flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (NKJV). We are engaged in this battle because we’ve been enlisted as soldiers in God’s army.1 God has given us an armour and weapons that a...
Read More Leading the Generations Leadership Leading the Generations
I first realized my calling to vocational ministry when I was 17 years old. I was standing in a youth service, worshipping and asking God to lead someone (older, wiser, and much better at being a Christian than me, of course) to speak at a weekly outreach I had started leading with a friend at my high school. A small voice suddenly whispered to me, “Why not you?” At the time, I thought there were plenty of reasons why I couldn’t do it (speak at our outreach and pursue ministry...
Read More  The Urgency of Proclamation Mission The Urgency of Proclamation
God is clear in Psalm 139:16b when he says, all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Not a moment of our lives is unknown to God. Wherever God takes us, He has a purpose in it. His purpose is always the same. Joseph explained it to his brothers after his prolonged prison experience. You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives (Genesis 50:20). Paul also explained, I want you to kn...
Read More Seven Reflections Pentecostal Worship Seven Reflections
What are the makings of a good Pentecostal worship service? Traditionally, the answer has been an expectation for a supernatural move of God whereby people have a tangible sense of the Spirit. In this article, I briefly explain some of the background for the Pentecostal emphasis on the experiential in corporate worship, followed by seven key theological issues we need to be aware of as we grapple with the ethos of Pentecostal corporate worship. First, the background for the early Pentecostal emp...
Read More Engaging Theological Conversations Youth & Spirituality Engaging Theological Conversations
I vividly remember one Sunday morning as a young teenager asking a trusted mentor and ministry leader an honest theological question stemming from my personal reading of Scripture. I had become intensely interested in God’s Word and had a genuine desire to grow in my faith, leading me to think more deeply about what I was reading. My question came from a place of innocence—I didn’t know I existed in a community that avoided asking questions. Because of this, my inquiry was met ...
Read More A Lifestyle of Resurgence Revival A Lifestyle of Resurgence
God whispered the word “resurgence” to me. A resurgence is a rising again of God’s Spirit—renewal, revival, a restoration of use. It is the DNA of our Pentecostal heritage. The history of a movement 100 years old was a people encountering the Holy Spirit in a fresh way and pioneering new works. Growing up in a flagship Pentecostal church, I had an encounter in my teens that made me realize the gospel wasn’t just words on a page but an invitation to encounter the li...
Read More Hearing The Holy Spirit Pentecostal Leadership Hearing The Holy Spirit
Have you ever had an opportunity to spend some time with someone you admired your whole life? Twenty years ago, I had the privilege of leading worship for a week of camp ministry. The evening speaker had been a ministry hero in my mind for many years. I was a young pastor and had the privilege of driving him wherever he needed to go and hosting him throughout that week. I was deeply impressed with how his everyday life mirrored his public ministry. I had begun the practice only a couple of year...
Read More Spiritually Healthy Leaders Spiritual Health Spiritually Healthy Leaders
I moved from being highly motivated to being utterly frustrated! A series of hardships in ministry such as cancer, members leaving, and the inability to grow as a church left me feeling bruised and beaten. My frustration was compounded because I thought I knew what we needed to do, only to find there was little fruit to show for it. I thought I was a good pastor, but I could not figure out what needed to happen to get us where we needed to go. Finally, I recognized I needed help from someone who...
Read More Vitalization Spiritual Health Vitalization
A vitalized church—a church that’s growing by reaching the lost—certainly does things that stagnant churches do not do. It talks differently and it walks differently. Its success at fulfilling the Great Commission comes as a result of obedience, not wishful thinking. After all, “What good is it, if you say you have faith but don’t show it by your actions?” (James 2:14, NLT). Prior to change of habit comes a change of heart. If you want to vitalize your church,...
Read More The Simplicity of a Vision Spiritual Health The Simplicity of a Vision
The Simplicity of a Vision by Ross Allen How can we temper our tendency to overcomplicate when it’s important to keep things simple? Better yet, how can we nurture a vision for our church’s future when the complexities of running a church are so intense? It has been my experience, working in the business community most of my adult life, that with success comes complexity. And with complexity come increased pace, higher stress, more responsibility, and a blurring of purpose for those...
Read More Better Together Vitalization Better Together
Blow, please Success inebriates. The best of the pack is more susceptible to delusion than everyone behind. As a result, blue-chip churches can deliriously stop doing exactly what they should and start doing exactly what they shouldn’t. The particularity of it all is that it overtakes like odourless gas. Our first response is denial that it has happened to us, and then we feel utterly stupefied as to how on earth this came about. I learned this from my good friend, Ross Allen of Broadway C...