Thank you for your interest in writing an article for testimony. (Writers for Enrich are usually pre-determined from among our leaders and credential holders.) First, we request that a query letter/email be submitted, outlining the topic that you would like to write about, including a brief summary and the overall thesis of your submission.
In this query letter/email, it is important to include a possible title of your article and the approximate word count. Please note that there is no guarantee of publication, but be assured that all queries we receive are reviewed on an individual basis. Unsolicited manuscripts are generally not accepted or returned.
Upon our review of your query, you will receive a follow-up e-mail informing you of our editorial decision whether or not to further pursue an article. Should we contact you to confirm interest in a full article submission, please find on pages 2, 3 and 4 of this document some guidelines on how the article should appear. The required word length is 800 to 1,000 words, which may be shortened at the editor’s discretion.
Once we receive your full article, we may ask for references from your church to ensure that you are in good standing.
We may also follow up with you to clarify certain details within the article. Along with your article, we also welcome information on resources or tips that you can provide to supplement your article in a sidebar feature. The appearance of this information along with your published article will also be reserved for the editor’s discretion.
An honorarium is given to all published writers, along with a few copies of the particular issue which includes your article. If the address provided in your manuscript is different from the one to which your honorarium or complimentary magazine should be mailed, please be sure to state the alternate/preferred address clearly.
Please be advised that if a story is published in hard-copy format in testimony, it may be posted to other Christian publications’ websites. Approval for online posting will be granted directly from our office without necessarily informing the writer. If desired, you may send relevant pictures in jpeg format. Pictures should be high resolution (at least 300 dpi). When possible, include captions (details) relevant to each picture.
Thank you once again for your interest and we look forward to receiving your query letter/email at