“Rarely do we get to follow the trail and hear the full story of ‘God things’ like this.”
This is a story about the unfolding of an 85-year-old prophecy. Modesty forbids his telling the story about himself, but I believe we need to be each other’s champions. So let me tell you about my friend, Fred. This is a very inspiring story, a uniquely Pentecostal drama that started in the 1930s in Ukraine.
At that time there was a prophetic word among the Pentecostal believers telling them to leave because of an impending famine, even though weather and crop yields had never been better. The Ilyin family—from which Rev. Fred Ilyin of Vernon, B.C., is a descendant—heeded and left. They settled first in Northern China, then a generation later migrated to Australia, and eventually to California. After they left Ukraine, seven to ten million people were starved to death or executed under....
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This article appears in the May/June2016 Issue of
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