Summer Issue Update

From the Editor

Summer Issue Update

Stacey McKenzie

God at Work in Every Generation

Welcome to the second issue of the newly combined testimony/Enrich magazine. Taglined Lifestyle and Leadership, its content is intended to highlight the evidence of God’s enduring work in the story of our lives, our Fellowship, and our world (an affirmation of testimony magazine, which marked 100 years with the recently released centenary edition). Our Fellowship is linked to a beautiful and complex mosaic of stories and experiences, and we want to take care to celebrate God’s work in every generation and in as many walks of life as each issue can hold.

Simultaneously, the Enrich section will offer our leaders and our leadership-oriented readers various perspectives and encouragement on important theological themes. Our understanding of these themes can positively impact how we respond to the challenges of our time—and to God’s invitation to be faithful representatives in a world that needs to know the hope of Christ, which is as bright as it ever was.

In this issue, we continue with the moving testimonies of the Holy Spirit’s power at work among some of our Bible college students. We also dig deeper into two specific young adult ministries, one led by Nelly Latchman at the University of Windsor and the other by Sandra McIntosh at Bethel Church in Ottawa. The Enrich section touches on our Pentecostal history and impresses on us the importance of remaining theologically grounded while being prepared to discuss God’s truths with appropriate grace in every context, and with any audience.

There is a lot of noise in our day. As it was for my valued predecessors, my goal is to be a good steward of the stories coming in from throughout our Fellowship—stories that can bring hope where people are truly in despair—so that the gospel is always heard above all the voices and media vying for our attention. You may also anticipate faith-building content that can help every believer to grow in their relationship with Jesus. I’ve had the honour of working closely with Stephen Kennedy, our previous testimony editor, whose shoes are certainly large ones to fill, but whose support and expertise have been invaluable in helping me to step into his place. I also worked closely with Bill Markham (Central Community Church) when Steve first began as editor, and with Linda Gibson (Master’s College & Seminary) before him.

As we watch the chaos increasing around us, and as I ponder what God has been doing in my own life, we can be reassured of God’s ability to both keep us and use us for His kingdom purposes. May His Spirit propel us into the darkest corners of our communities and cities to bring out as many people as we can into the light of His Son. Our testimonies have power. They are not only how we overcome our struggles, but they are what will draw others into an indescribable kingdom that will have no end. God has plans for us. Nothing is random or by chance, including whatever circumstance we may find ourselves in today. We are a part of His strategy for our planet, our countries, our communities, our families, and every circle of influence into which He may lead us.

I’m so glad to be a part of His plan with you. I look forward to reading your stories and feedback at

Stacey McKenzie

Editor, testimony/Enrich


This article appeared in the July/August/September 2019 issue of testimony/Enrich, a quarterly publication of The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.

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