
Read More A Broken Ankle Christmas From the Editor Steve Kennedy A Broken Ankle Christmas
​On December 23, 2010, my friend Larry broke his ankle. He slipped on some ice on his own front porch and went down hard on the concrete. It was a bad break. To add hardship to injury, he had no one to sue but himself. Larry is a man who is most often on the move. He’s been active in his local church in men’s ministries and as a visiting elder and cell group leader. When my mom was, as we used to say, “shut in” during her last few years of life, Larry visited her faithf...
Read More Not Just Another Number From our General Superintendent David Wells Not Just Another Number
In our 2020 Initiative we use a lot of numbers to define our vision and the goals we have for increasing the “missional vitality” of our leaders and churches. The initiative challenges us to believe that in the year 2020, 1 per cent of the Canadian population—350,000 people—will be part of 1,500 PAOC churches and disciple-making communities across the country. We are also challenged to believe that there will be 420 PAOC global workers in 85 nations outside Canada, 40 Mis...
Read More A Spiritually Vital Fellowship From our General Superintendent David Wells A Spiritually Vital Fellowship
As part of our 2020 Initiative, we have developed three clear statements of vision that explain what we mean when we talk of spiritual, theological and missional vitality. They describe what we believe is needed in order to see our 1,120 churches, and the 236,000 followers of Jesus who attend them, become 1,500 disciple-making communities with 350,000 spiritually alive Christ followers empowered to share God’s grace and truth. Consider with me these three statements of vision. 1. To exper...