
Read More A Three-Day Weekend From the Editor Steve Kennedy A Three-Day Weekend
 I was talking with a friend last year on the Saturday between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. My friend, who had not attended the Good Friday service at his church, had just received an email from someone who had. In the email they told my friend, “Finally, I went to a Good Friday service that I enjoyed. It was joyful!” The comment took me back to Good Friday services I’ve been in where either the music or the message¾or both¾could not resist the urge to rush...
Read More Slim Pickings X From the Editor Steve Kennedy Slim Pickings X
Is that really the number 10 up there?  I wrote the first of these back in June 2008. I’d been at this job for a year and was experiencing a serious case of writer’s block. All I had after days of trying to write my editorial was a tangle of disconnected thoughts, each embarked upon with high hopes and abandoned after a paragraph or two. So I took a risk, threw them all in the proverbial pot, and called it what I thought it was: Slim Pickings. Every year since then, except for o...
Read More “If Jesus … ” V— Solitude and Simplicity From our General Superintendent David Wells “If Jesus … ” V— Solitude and Simplicity
The start of a new year is often a time when individuals, families or even organizations go through a process of appraisal. Have the right priorities been maintained? Has the focus of our pursuits proved beneficial? Have we been available for the truly important things in life? Do we need to change how we spend our time, energy or money? The question we have asked in this series is, “If Jesus were physically living in Canada today, how would He spend His time, energy and money?” We h...
Read More Hanging on to Hope From the Editor Steve Kennedy, Editor Hanging on to Hope
She was one among thousands of children I saw during my first visit to Malawi in November 2006. I’m guessing she was six or seven years old then. We’d been ushered into an empty mud-brick building. Within minutes the room was jammed from side to side and front to back with children. Some sat on the dirt floor, their legs sticking out like toothpicks. Others folded themselves into a squatting position, hugging their bony knees to their chin. We Canadians stood at the front of the room...
Read More “If Jesus …” IV—Pursuing the Lost From our General Superintendent David Wells “If Jesus …” IV—Pursuing the Lost
“If Jesus were physically living in Canada today, how would He spend His time, energy and money?” You cannot study the life of Jesus without being captured by His passionate, loving pursuit of those whom He called “the lost.” Jesus went out of His way, ignored cultural norms, risked being misunderstood, was threatened and eventually unjustly arrested, tortured and crucified. Why? In order to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10)! In the opening verses of Luke 15, Jesus i...
Read More Reproducing Christ’s Love and Life in Others From our General Superintendent by David Wells Reproducing Christ’s Love and Life in Others
“If Jesus were physically living in Canada today, how would He spend His time, energy and money?” Anyone seeking to know and be like Jesus needs to understand His passion for making disciples. During His three years of ministry, Jesus focused a large portion of His time and energy on building a community of Spirit-empowered followers who would love God and love others. From the very beginning of His ministry, Jesus invited His disciples to follow Him. Their discipleship took place ...
Read More A Needed Reminder From the Editor BY Stephen Kennedy A Needed Reminder
I had a conversation with a friend recently during which I made a confession. “It scares me,” I said to my friend, “to think that people are looking at my life and forming opinions about God based on what they see.” (You need to know that my friend does not identify himself as a deist, let alone a Christian. But when we talk about my faith, or about life in general, we have incredibly honest and deeply satisfying conversations. I love him.) But back to my confession. I&...
Read More Learning to Live Like Jesus — Intimacy with the Father From our General Superintendent David Wells Learning to Live Like Jesus — Intimacy with the Father
I’d like to continue with the question I put forward in my last column: “If Jesus were physically living in Canada today, how would He spend His time, energy and money?” As followers of Jesus Christ, we have the amazing privilege of knowing Him and being conformed to His image. In light of that fact, our passionate desire should be like Paul’s: “I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have ...
Read More Vignettes on Marriage From the Editor Steve Kennedy Vignettes on Marriage
My wife and I just celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary. I remember being at a couple’s 60th anniversary party years ago. When the husband was asked to share something he’d learned from 60 years of marriage, he replied, “Well, the first 50 are the hardest.” So I may be speaking up too soon, but here, in these two vignettes, is some of what I’ve learned about marriage.   To a Young Couple on Their Wedding Day Are you afraid? I think you are. You may not feel ...
Read More “If Jesus …”— Revisiting a life-changing question From our General Superintendent David Wells “If Jesus …”— Revisiting a life-changing question
“If Jesus were physically living in Canada today, how would He spend His time, energy and money?” Half a lifetime ago I engaged that pressing question in my personal study and prayer. Some nights I would stand at our second-floor window and picture the people of our city as I asked, “If Jesus …” Recently, during a time of extended study, I pulled out my journals from that period and began to re-engage that question. I worked my way chronologically through the Gosp...
Read More An Editorial Sampler From the Editor Steve Kennedy An Editorial Sampler
There were just too many options! Spring is here and my maple tree is waking up. May is the month of my birthday. June is the month of my wedding anniversary (40 years this year). The Leafs are—maybe, hopefully, prayerfully—in the playoffs. Our nation of Canada turns 150 this summer. Throw in Mother’s Day, Pentecost Sunday and Father’s Day, and you can understand why my mind and my fingers have been bouncing around like a dog in a hydrant factory. I’ve started half...
Read More Don’t Build That Wall From the Editor Steve Kennedy, Editor Don’t Build That Wall
“Before I built a wall I’d ask to know What I was walling in or walling out, And to whom I was like to give offence. Something there is that doesn’t love a wall, That wants it down.” — from “Mending Wall” by Robert Frost[1]   Each year, over 10 million people visit the Great Wall of China. The most recent studies have calculated its total combined length at 21,196 km, making it the longest man-made structure in the world. It has also been called the...
Read More Easter: Alive With Christ From Our General Secretary Treasurer by David Hazzard Easter: Alive With Christ
I am grateful to be alive!  To wake up each morning to the possibility of a new day and to engage it with a sense of hopefulness is one of life’s simple delights—along with Toblerone chocolate. However, I am infinitely more grateful to wake up each morning and experience this truth: that “… God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions ...” (Ephesians 2:4b-5a). I am grateful to be alive with Christ! This is the ...
Read More Slim Pickings IX From the Editor Stephen Kennedy Slim Pickings IX
Here it is, my annual gallimaufry of musings that I’ve christened “Slim Pickings”—one of my dad’s oft-used terms. I think the thing I enjoy most about writing this yearly instalment is finding a new word each time to describe it: gal·li·mau·fry, noun: 1. a confused jumble or medley of things 2. a dish made from diced or minced meat, especially a hash or ragout. On Sunday night, December 20, 2015, partway through our staff Christmas party, Colle...
Read More Where Mystery and Certainty Meet From our General Superintendent David Wells Where Mystery and Certainty Meet
There is something very appealing about certainty. It evokes thoughts and feelings of comfort and peace. To be sure of one’s income, physical security or of the love of another person are things that most of us value. Of course, there is not a lot we can truly be certain of. Economies and jobs fluctuate, our own health or the health of someone we love can change quickly, relationships transition, and societal shifts occur. That’s why we’re told that the only things we can be c...
Read More A Pilgrim’s Perspective From the Editor Ron Powell A Pilgrim’s Perspective
“O little town of Bethlehem, / How still we see thee lie! Above thy deep and dreamless sleep / The silent stars go by.”[1] Our tour bus lumbered up to the first Bethlehem checkpoint on Epiphany, January 6. A group of heavily armed soldiers dragged on their cigarettes and joked with one another as we sat anxiously looking out our tinted windows. It seemed like an unreasonably long wait until an Israeli soldier entered the bus and asked the driver some questions. He examined official-l...
Read More Vital Lessons From My Travels From our General Superintendent David Wells Vital Lessons From My Travels
One of the privileges of my current calling is to be in a variety of international settings with our partners in global mission. Recently, within a matter of a few weeks, I spoke to the leadership of the thriving Assemblies of God fellowship in Ghana, partnered with leading sports ministry personnel at the Rio Olympics, ministered with Susan in churches and a Bible college in Argentina, and participated in leadership at the 24th Pentecostal World Conference in São Paulo, Brazil. In addit...
Read More The Question of Who Matters From our General Superintendent David Wells The Question of Who Matters
I was raised well. My parents taught me by example to treat every person with the God-given respect and dignity they deserve. This was to be shown regardless of the person’s age, gender, race or religious background. I did not always successfully follow my parents’ wise counsel and example. When my next-door friend’s mother used to point out that my behaviour was not appropriate, I’m told that I could get quite lippy with her. I remember being disciplined regularly for t...
Read More The Gift of a Friend From the Editor Stephen Kennedy The Gift of a Friend
We’re sitting in a coffee shop catching up on life. It’s been a year since we sat here in this same coffee shop nursing our hot drinks and covering the gambit of predictable topics. “How’ve you been doing?” We are both in our sixties now. News from the department of “internal affairs” tends to occupy the lead-off position in most conversations. “How’s the family?” Our kids are all grown up now. We discuss the challenges of parenting a...
Read More The Power of a Sentence From the Editor Stephen Kennedy The Power of a Sentence
I was chatting with my daughter on the phone recently. For the past three or four years now, she has spent half of her year in Australia. I’ll leave it to you to guess which half. In the course of our conversation, we learned that we had both just finished reading books that disappointed us. When she asked me why mine had left me underwhelmed, I paused for a second to think and then answered, “There was not one memorable sentence in the entire book.” That got me thinking about ...