
Read More A Student Experiences God From our General Superintendent DAVID WELLS A Student Experiences God
A testimony One of the great spiritual formation challenges the church in Canada continues to engage is the effective discipleship of children. What does it take to carefully lead each child who initially engages the Christian faith? What can we do to take them successfully through their journey to young adulthood with a maturing, sustainable life in Christ? A major survey was conducted earlier this decade, exploring the reasons why Canadian young adults are staying, leaving or returning to the ...
Read More Spirit Now From the Editor STACEY MCKENZIE Spirit Now
It’s Time! The 25th Pentecostal World Conference in Calgary, Alta., late last summer was a reminder to our worldwide Pentecostal family of our critical mission as we enter a new decade. If you weren’t able to track with any of the live stream sessions, you can read highlights from the conference on pages 9 to 13. Laura Bronson’s appeal on behalf of the next generation was a well-received message in Calgary, and she recaps her message on page 14. This issue of testimony/Enrich a...
Read More Extreme love From the Editor STACEY MCKENZIE Extreme love
A year-end reflection Christmas and a new year are just a few weeks away. For some it will be a joyful time, while for others the season merely intensifies the pain of an unwanted reality. For all of us, it’s an opportunity to get out of our ordinary routines and look with new eyes at the gift the Christ child is to us. What did it really mean for the Creator of the universe to take on human form, to be born into a nondescript family in unremarkable surroundings to an unwed mother and a ca...
Read More A Child Experiences God From our General Superintendent David Wells A Child Experiences God
Uncovering a God-given calling Envision with me an entire generation of children, youth and young adults becoming loving disciples of Jesus, empowered to fulfil their God-given callings. This is our passion and vision. It is important to ask, “What does that look like? What takes place in the life of a child, a young person, or a young adult that forms them into whole-hearted, whole-minded, whole-life followers of Jesus?” In pondering this, I was drawn back—I believe by the Spi...
Read More Younger Voices From our General Superintendent David Wells Younger Voices
Reaching and discipling the next generation Younger voices than mine echo in my heart and mind, voices from a generation half my age and younger or from those who serve with that generation. They are living for Jesus and calling us to live as His church in a transformational manner today. The questions and related comments below are drawn from the Strategic Vision Committee of the PAOC’s General Executive. This group has been reconstituted to focus solely on our mandate to “reach, di...
Read More Summer Issue Update From the Editor Stacey McKenzie Summer Issue Update
God at Work in Every Generation Welcome to the second issue of the newly combined testimony/Enrich magazine. Taglined Lifestyle and Leadership, its content is intended to highlight the evidence of God’s enduring work in the story of our lives, our Fellowship, and our world (an affirmation of testimony magazine, which marked 100 years with the recently released centenary edition). Our Fellowship is linked to a beautiful and complex mosaic of stories and experiences, and we want to take care...
Read More Let's Celebrate From our General Superintendent David Wells Let's Celebrate
100 Years of Pentecostal Passion We have arrived at a very meaningful season in the history of The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada family. On June 9, Pentecost Sunday, we will be commemorating the 100th anniversary of the incorporation of this Fellowship in May 1919. Across the country we will tell the story of how God raised up a movement of people and churches who humbly and passionately sought more of God in their lives. The Lord honoured that hunger with experiences of the Spirit’s pr...
Read More A Renewed Perspective From the Editor Stacey Mckenzie A Renewed Perspective
Owning your unique call Feeling battle weary? Worn down by bad news and complicated relationships? Those aren’t uncommon sentiments or experiences in these interesting days. Next to God’s timeless and encouraging Word, this centenary issue may be just what you need to find excitement and motivation to seek God’s perspective on everything you face. Whether the result is that you feel challenged to go back to your first love (Revelation 2:2-4) or you discover Jesus for the very f...
Read More Centenary Issue Update From the Editor Stacey McKenzie Centenary Issue Update
To our valued readers: We’re hard at work preparing the centenary issue, which will be the first combined issue of testimony and Enrich. The expected delivery date is in June 2019. Here’s some of what you can look forward to: -Testimonies from Bible college students (over the next two issues) highlighting God’s work in their lives and reminding us of our call to keep Jesus as our first love. At least nine students will share personal stories in this issue a...
Read More Slim Pickings -30- From the Editor Steve Kennedy Slim Pickings -30-
One of the first things I learned when I started to write for publication was the use of “-30-” to indicate the end of an article or story. The origins of this practice are up for debate. One common explanation traces its use back to the telegrapher’s practice of using “xxx” to indicate the end of a dispatch. Placed below the last line of a newspaper or magazine submission, -30- says to the editor or the layout artist, “Don’t look for any more copy. That...
Read More Our Greatest Challenge From our General Superintendent David Wells Our Greatest Challenge
It’s 2019 and that means we are fully into the 100th year of The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada’s existence. The “Letters Patent of Incorporation” that established the PAOC was dated May 17, 1919, and was recorded on May 20, 1919, by the Deputy Registrar General of the Dominion of Canada on behalf of His Majesty, King George V. Talk about official!  Seven Canadian Pentecostal pioneers made application for the charter: R. E. McAlister, F. Small, G. A. Chambers, H. M...
Read More Into These Darkening Days From the Editor by Steve Kennedy Into These Darkening Days
I don’t like winter. I do have brief, fleeting moments of attraction—trysts, you might call them. When I see the Milky Way spilling over the edges of a coal-black sky or notice sunlight diamonds scattered across a crust of freshly fallen snow, I am tempted. But I try to keep these moments of weakness to myself for fear of being mistaken for a true lover.  My reasons for disliking winter are plenteous, but I think I’ve identified the primary culprit, the root of my disconte...
Read More “The Hopes and Fears” From our General Superintendent By David Wells “The Hopes and Fears”
We all have hopes and fears. Every day we face the uncertainty of life, the tension between all that we long for and all that we do not know. In the face of that uncertainty, do we choose to have hope or do we succumb to the waves of fear that threaten to overwhelm us?   We hope for those we love, that they will flourish physically, emotionally and spiritually. In faith, we pray and trust God for these outcomes in their lives. But if we are honest, we also fear for them when they exper...
Read More Summer Pickings From the Editor Steve Kennedy Summer Pickings
I’m writing this in the last full month of summer. By the time it makes it to print, we will be eating this year’s crop of apples, the maple trees will be hunting in the root cellar for the paint cans, and the back-to-school displays will be picked over like a salad bar at closing time.  Summer always goes by too fast on my calendar. I have a respectable tan on my arms and face to remember it by (a run-in with basal cell carcinoma finally convinced me of the need for sunscreen)....
Read More Family Dynamics From our General Superintendent David Wells Family Dynamics
I stood recently on Pier 21 in Halifax, N.S., where my bedstefar (grandfather), Jakob Thomsen Dam, landed on May 5, 1928. He came aboard the SS United States of the Scandinavian America Line at the end of its voyage from Copenhagen, Sweden and Norway. From Halifax he headed west by train, along with his future wife—my bedstemor (grandmother), whom I never met—and other members of her family to begin their new life in Canada. They each had 25 dollars in t...
Read More Taking Stock From the Editor Steve Kennedy Taking Stock
I’ve been at this job for 11 years. I’ve seen lots of changes over that time, both with the magazine itself and in the wider world of hard-copy magazines. When I started in 2007, testimony was a monthly magazine. To offset the rising costs of publication, we have gone from 12 to 11 issues per year, and then down to 10. Now we publish every two months. To compensate for the reduced number of issues per year, we now offer six feature articles per issue instead of only four. T...
Read More Coming to the Table—A personal testimony of the blessings of unity From our General Superintendent David Wells Coming to the Table—A personal testimony of the blessings of unity
Most followers of Jesus Christ have a faith community they are connected to. That connectedness brings many benefits, including a shared sense of belonging, common beliefs and practices, and a history that links their story to their faith community. It is a great thing to belong!  However, when all we know is the viewpoint exclusive to our own faith community, we can easily become arrogant, dismissive and judgmental of other church families. At the very least, it creates a myopic point of v...
Read More Moving Toward 100 From our General Superintendent David Wells Moving Toward 100
I love to attend anniversaries for our PAOC churches and ministries. And, when asked, I love to speak at them. I love the family atmosphere, the sense of celebration, and the telling of stories that range from hilarious to serious. It’s moving to hear how God has made a difference in people’s lives. What I really love, though, is when the focus turns from the past to the present and into the future. Remembering the past is a good thing. But realistically appraising the present and th...
Read More Making the Connection From the Editor Steve Kennedy Making the Connection
December 20, 1951, St. John’s, N.L.—Ed “Kip” Malone was 12 years old and on his way to buy a pound of butter from McGraw’s store on Central Street. As he approached the store, he saw smoke coming from a nearby house. Then he heard a woman screaming from the third floor, “Save the children! Save the children!” Young Kip ran into the smoking building, located two girls, aged five and three, and rushed them out of the house.  The house, home to eight c...
Read More Arbour Day From our General Superintendent David Wells Arbour Day
A walk through the Balwin neighbourhood in Edmonton reveals a very interesting phenomenon. Surrounding house after house, on street after street, you’ll see tall, mature spruce trees. It’s the same in other neighbouring communities as well. These spruce trees all rise higher than the homes they surround and they are all over 50 years old. I know because it was my generation that put them there—with a lot of help from our parents! Old pictures of the front of my house and other ...